The many happenings of Mike, Ally, Thomas, And Ryan....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Catching Up With Pictures

Here are the boys, Thomas Ryan, & Dominic chillin' in Tommy's Hummer during spring break '08. The coolest dudes on the block!
Ryan had to take a phone call while Dom was trying to do some off-roading.
Here they are playing some Wii boxing. When will they be too old for matching pajamas?? I can't see myself stopping anytime soon :)

Thomas started T-Ball! Here he is wil his friend Gavin, hammin it up!
The T-Ball Diamonbacks. Tommy is on the far left.

Here are my boys dyeing easter eggs.....
This is Ryan when he found his easter basket behind the door.
Thomas is on the hunt for eggs!
Ryan wanted Tommy to carry them in his basket.
Boys will be boys! Thomas ate a green peep right before the photo was taken and would not swallow it.....this is the best I could get. And yes, I tried bribery.

At Dinner at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage.
Go Padres! We didn't notice the no standing sign....oops.
Mike and I celebrated our 11th anniversary in March. Mike really scored some big points here. We went to Rancho Mirage, Ca for a night. Then it was off to Peoria, AZ to catch a spring training Padres game (my new favorite thing). I loved it! It was nice to get away alone! I also got to have Adrian Gonzalez sign a game ball for me!! He was even nice enough to take a picture with me....definately a vacation to remember!

My Dad retired at the end of January. I thought I would post this pic close to the one of his car only to toot my own horn about the cake I frosted for him...I'm no Sylvia, but I was pretty proud of this one! By the way...since he retired, i frequently like to call him up with 10 minutes notice and ask him to take Thomas to school for me. Which he always does and it is much appreciated!! (Plus I think PaPa and tommy enjoy it :) )

PaPa (my Dad) took Tommy to school in the Hot Rod, which I think was the first time he had ridden in it. He put his hands in the air, like you would on a roller coaster, as they went down Jackson! He's a hoot..

Ryan turned 2 on February 26, 2008! He had a great time opening all of his presents with his buddies. All of the kids in the pic are from the neighborhood, except Tommy's B.F.F. Dominic. It's so great for the kids to have friends on the same street....we love them all.

This is my Family on our Christmas Day Lake Murray bike ride. It's the best when we all are together.

This is Ryan and Fresca (at Christmas time) taking in the sunset at the front door. I love it when he does sweet. He will just hang out with the dog and watch the sun go down sometimes.

1 comment:

krishna kashyap av said...

Really good snaps..
Very catchy..
you guys rock!!
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